Ural Akyuz is Featured Artist at Heavy Metal Magazine

Heavy Metal is World's Foremost adult illustrated fantasy magazine. And he is featured artist with his works at the world's most famous fantasy art magazine. Heavy Metal is pretty big magazine. The owner of the magazine, Kevin is Hollywood's one of the famous names, creator of Ninja Turtles. It is a very pleasant achievement to be a priority among the names that almost all artists around the world admire.
Heavy Metal's high-quality artwork is notable. Work by international fine artists such as H. R. Giger, Esteban Maroto, Frank Frazetta, Luis Royo, Boris Vallejo have been also featured on the covers of various issues since 1977.

Metal Maddness2 News:
Thank you Daddy D. for your nice comments:I'm sure some won't see it. But I do. Right off the bat, from the turn of the cover, I know this issue is going to feature some of the best and most imaginative art HM has published in its long history.
And Akyuz is a good start."
CROP Comics Platform News:
Another good comment came from the old friend, Editor and Author Aşkın Güngör from the comic book platform:
We have already mentioned the successes of Yıldıray Çınar, Kutlukhan Perker and Hüseyin Celal Koç in world comics. Nowadays, news came from America that once again raised our pride: Turkish artist Ural Akyuz made a presentation with four full pages in the May 2009 issue of Heavy Metal, the "sacred magazine" of comic book lovers.
These pages, published under the title "Ural Akyuz Gallery", contain Akyüz's 10 pin-up work and a short text introducing him.

Akyüz is proud of being on the same pages with a master whom he admired (like almost every illustrator) throughout his life as an artist. The May 2009 issue of Heavy Metal, which is decorated with Ural Akyüz drawings, is on sale in America at the time these lines are written. It may take a little longer to get here. However, those who want to see Akyüz's paintings during this period are free to satisfy their curiosity by clicking the two links below.
We met at Alfa Comics Publications (in the early 90's) when he painted Tex covers. I would like to congratulate dear Ural Akyüz, who has lived in America for many years, for this success, and I also want to state that I hope to see his many successes.
(Thank you very much Aşkın.)
Click here to read original text.
Short biography written in the magazine:
I was born in 1969. I was 6 years old when I opened my imagination and tried to write a fairy tale. It was 60 pages and read by all my family members. My first professional illustration has published in 1984 -when I was 14 years old- as a full page Shakin' Stevens poster at the music magazine Hey. Then I started to draw comics, cartoons,portraits and illustrations at some local newspapers in 1985 - 86 and I started to write some articles about comic art for Swedish Magazines. Of course they weren't the top quality of my art. But they were first and they were beginning as a professional artist at the just 14-15 years old. Also, I won some awards from national competitions with my paintings. The TPAO Special Award and the KSO Jury Special Honor Prize. At 17 I was already a professional artist and enrolled at the Fine Art Academy. Then I graduated from Marmara University, Fine Art Faculty, Graphic Department.
I prepared freelance illustration works for various publishers... I have created hundreds book covers, illustrations, interior illustrations, greeting cards, posters, children books illustrations, cover designs, cd cover illustrations, advertising illustrations and designs for this clients.
Also I have prepared graphic designs maybe thousands printed materials like magazines, advertisements, interactive CD-Roms, web sites during period of time more than 20 years. And I have worked as an Art Director, Creative Director, Graphic Designer, 3D Designer, calligraphy artist, multimedia designer, web designer, computer game designer…
I immigrated to USA in 2003 and I started working for the US related military company as a 3D Graphics and Simulation Designer.
See http://uralakyuz.com for more.

To see the official magazine webpage click here.
Or you can still purchase this old issue from amazon.com by clicking here.
You can learn about the magazine from wikipedia by clicking here.